Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Today sucks.

Our current cable provider is HORRIBLE, I can watch tv total of about 2 hours a day, never the SAME two hours in the day - without the cable going out and having all of our 400+ including movie channels not working. There is a nice little note on the channels that says "This channel will be available shortly". So far shortly is STILL going and we are at a hefty 3 1/2 weeks. So we called a different provider, got a great dealk (We thought) so they came today to hook it up. Mr. Hookupman is gone... and I still have our original shitty provider. We ordered one package, they wrote us down for a different and told me that it'd be an additional $99 up front and $10/month to get what we had originally ordered. I told Mr. Hookupman that we'd reschedule for a time that Curt would be home. Ugh.

Someone that was at my house this weekend was SO kind to reset our thermostat to 75 degrees. Our house is NOT to get warmer than 71. It is actually supposed to stay around 65. DOCTORS ORDERS. You ask doctors orders? YES. Because the warmer it is in the house, the HIGHER chance my newborn daughter has at losing her life to SIDS. I'm sorry if your chilly in my house. Get over it. It is MY house. NOT YOURS. If you don't like it, don't come here. I'd rather have my daughter living than you happy and warm. Buy a sweatshirt.

My cell phone... My life, my love, my "lovie"... is dead... My charger? Gone. Not in my house. I can't find the damn thing. Curt's charger? The fire department.

And throughout all this crap-hole of a day, I can't call my fiance because he is in training from 8-5. He gets like 45 second breaks so he asks whats going on, I get 7 words into the story and he is telling me he has to go.

I text him to tell him my phone was dead and to call the house if he needed anything. The neighbor comes over "Uh, Curt just called and said your router is unplugged or something, he can't call the house phone and you are supposed to call him." From WHAT!? MY SHOE PHONE??


Monday, July 12, 2010


It has been a whirlwind of a few weeks!!

The name change - of me and the blog... The day before Emily arrived, my divorce was finalized... FINALLY... Back to my maiden name for awhile!

On the 4th, the boys had to go to urgent care... Both had strep throat and Ian had an ear infection... Now Hunter has an ear infection... It was a long 4 days while they were on their meds - they couldn't hold, kiss or even touch their new baby sister... It was so hard to watch them just stare at her. They blew her hundreds of hugs and kisses! They got their baby privilages back on Thursday so they were in Heaven holding her and loving on her!!!

Saturday we went to Grundy Center to watch the parade & go to my class reunion for awhile... Then down to a friends house for a bbq & fireworks... Had a great time!!!!

Curt had his first day back at work yesterday after another week vacation... It is so hard and different! Out of 28 days, he worked 2... I got used to having him home!!!!

Okay... So since he is out working on a boat and the munchkin is sleeping in her seat... I'm going to try to get some cleaning done!!
