Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I'm addicted to facebook. I love it. I love seeing what is on everyones mind. The jokes my prankster friends add. It makes it so much easier to keep in touch with everyone. I'll be the one constantly updating my facebook while in labor. Yeah. It is that bad.

I haven't been really highly motivated to do anything lately. The boys are with their dad this week so the house is eerily quiet. Curt is at work today, so that makes it worse.

I did however, sweep the floor. And move the baby clothes from one spot to another, they look better there. Until I can find a better spot. Or, until we actually clean her room.

Winter needs to be done. I'm tired of it. I hate being cold. I hate the bitter wind. I don't ever want to go outside when there is that white junk covering up my pretty green grass. I am craving fresh air. A warm breeze. The sun warming everything up. Blooming flowers. I want to be able to lay outside in shorts and a t shirt. Go out on the boat. Smell the fresh air through the open windows.


I'm going to go bury my head in a pillow and dream about trees with green leaves... Grass with no snow... Sun.......

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

And the baby is...?

Got to see our baby today...

Baby is perfectly healthy and doing great...

The once again moved our due date... Back to July...


And it is a girl!!!!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I am not a big fan of snow. Unless its less than an inch, I hate it. Well yesterday it snowed. And snowed. And snowed. Today? It is supposed to snow. 10 inches by the time its all said and done. Not as bad as the 17 we had during the last big storm. That is what I get for living in Iowa!

Today was supposed to be doctors appointment day, complete with ultrasound and finding out if it is baby Emily or baby Brendon.

Not going to happen. Next Wednesday is our re-schedule. I am pretty sure that the unborn is causing this. Everytime it has been something less than wonderful with weather. Am I having Captain Planet? Miss or Mr I Control the Elements?

It does feel like this pregnancy is flying by. It helps that they moved my due date up a month! Hopefully June 12th is baby day!