Sunday, September 26, 2010


I can't wait to get certain people out of my life and away from my family. These people are the poison in my life.

I can't wait for new beginnings.

I get married in 13 days.

Music has been my saftey shield lately. As always. More so lately.

I think its funny when people try to be your friend and then compare their lives to what they think yours to "find the truth". Nobody's business but ours. Thanks for playing though.

My life hours are draining every thing out of me.

I love our engagement photos.

The boys were in a parade yesterday. They loved it. It rained but it was fun!

I know you read this. Hope you enjoy what you see. I've moved on. Think its kinda funny you can't.

Winter is coming and I can't avoid it... I'm just hoping things will be just a little different this time around.

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