Thursday, March 18, 2010

reply to anonymous comment

I would just like to reply to the "anonymous" person who tried to post a comment on Jess' and my blog...If you don't like how our family is, either deal with how things are or don't look at this page. It's not meant to be seen by you or any other people who are just going to try to put neagativity and resentment into our lives. We, and the boys, are very happy and content with life as it is. They have not been harmed or affected in any negative way from our side of the situation. All four of us continue to lead very happy and eventful lives. We know who you are thanks to the wonderful process of elimination and intuitive thinking. Don't forget, everything can be traced on the internet by law enforcement from any state in the US, and we will file harassment charges if this continues.

Now, on to people who we actually care about their opinions of our lives...We got to see our new baby girl again today on an ultrasound. I think she's going to look like her mom...which means trouble for me as a dad. Also, we got her a new Hawkeye's outfit (thank God it's not Cyclones.. ;-) ...) The ultrasound tech said that she's 1 lb 13oz and about 8in long. She's growing and developing perfectly.

Also, Jess and I are starting to come up with wedding ideas. It's a little soon, but we're too excited to wait.

Anyway, just wanted to start learning how to post on here since I follow it too. I'm sure Jess will update again soon also.


Andrea said...

Well, I spoke my peace on the other the only other thing I have to say is I too am thankful it's not a Cyclone outfit!

Missi said...

We love you guys!! whoever is bothering you this way is not happy with their lives so they think that no one should be happy. we can hardly wait to meet lil bit :) our adopted neice.