Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 24... Something I've learned

Sorry for the absence...

It was my birthday so I took some time off to celebrate my birthday week =)

Back at it!!

Day 24... Something I've learned...


I've learned...

-No matter what I do, what kind of crazy mess I get myself into, I've got the most amazing family that is willing to drop EVERYTHING to help me.

-No matter how much I try, even when ALL the kids are gone... Laundry never ends.

-Curt will ALWAYS have more shoes than I will.

-That it is true... Whenever my firefighter is at work, something will always break, quit working, flood, back up, not fit or whatever other type of wrongness you can imagine. I've gotten good at the flood thing!

-That everyone has a past. It may not be one you are particularly fond of, but that past made the person who they are.

-Being a stay at home mom is the best job I'll ever have. I get paid in sticky hugs, slobbery kisses and dirty diapers. I wish I would have done it a long time ago.

I've learned a lot more. But the baby is asleep and there are 3 baskets of laundry glaring at me. Off I go to swim the sea of socks.


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